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Monday 22 August 2011

Libya News

Libya: Cameron holds talks as rebels set up government in Tripoli:

News By :http://www.telegraph.co.uk

 would set up government in Tripoli

Col Mummar Gaddafi's regime was facing the end this morning after jubilant rebels announced they

David Cameron this morning broke off his holiday to chair a meeting of the National Security Council at 9am in Downing Street.
Mahmud Nacua, Libyan charge d'affaires in London, said this morning the new government will move from Benghazi to Tripoli. Promising "a new government that rules the country and serves all citizens," he thanked Britain for its "firm stand with the Libyan people" but said it was time for Libyans to take full control of the conflict.
"In the next few days we may be facing some difficulties because every revolution will face some difficulties, maybe some mistakes will happen," he said.

"But we believe that our people, NTC, are able to resolve all the problems, they could contain any problem and we will go forward to build a promised Libya and we will have a promised relationship between the UK and a new Libya."
He said there are still some pockets of Gaddafi support and the dictator is still thought to be in Libya.

Earlier this month the Libyan embassy in Britain was handed to representatives of the National Transitional Council.
Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt said today that he was proud of the UK's role in "preventing the deaths of thousands of people".
In extraordinary scenes in Tripoli last night, a column of rebel fighters progressed along Omar al Muktar Street into the Libyan capital city’s main Green Square cheering and firing celebratory gunshots into the air.
British and French intelligence officers were said to have played a key role in planning the final rebel assault on Tripoli. Overnight RAF jets pounded what the Ministry of Defence termed the regime's "remaining apparatus of repression".
Ahead of the National Security Council-Libya meeting, Mr Burt said: "The first and most important thing is to make sure civil order is preserved, that there's food and power, all the things that people need to make sure their daily lives go on."
He said Nato would continue to fulfil United Nations Resolution 1973 and if there was a need to protect civilians from attacks by pro-Gaddafi forces that would continue, but added: "Clearly operating in a built-up area, that's much more difficult."
He said: "First and foremost the British Government would call on Gaddafi to leave now and spare further bloodshed. We don't know his circumstances, it's clear that the regime is crumbling around him, that senior figures have either now been detained or have defected."
Mr Burt spoke of his "confidence" in the NTC, stating: "The evidence over the past few months is that the NTC have been able to bring together a disparate group of people to form a cohesive opposition to the Gaddafi regime which has had extraordinary success."

Last night thousands of rebel fighters and Tripoli residents swarmed into Green Square — the scene of Gaddafi’s rallies at the start of the uprising — and began ripping down regime posters and stamping on them or riddling them with bullets.
They waved machetes and automatic rifles as they chanted victory slogans.
“It’s over!” shouted one man as he dashed out of a building, a mobile telephone clutched to his ear. Celebratory gunfire and explosions rang out over the city and cars blared their horns.
Overhead, red tracer bullets darted into a black sky. Liam Fox, the Defence Secretary, said: “The time for Gaddafi to go has long since passed.”
Libya’s ambassador to the UN, Ibrahim Dabbashi, told the BBC he has had contact with rebel leaders who told him they had taken 90 per cent of Tripoli.
“This is not the beginning of the end, it is the end,” he said. Mr Dabbashi said Gaddafi could be “replaced” by rebel officials “within a few hours”. Rebels said the whole of the city was under their control except Gaddafi’s Bab Al-Aziziya-Jazeera stronghold.
There was reports of some resistance in Tripoli away from the square.
It was unclear last night where Gaddafi was but there were reports that he was heading towards Algeria. Al Jazeera, Qatar-based broadcaster, reported that Gaddafi’s son Mohammed had surrendered. Earlier rebels said they had captured Saif al-Islam, the tyrant’s trusted son, along with another son, Saadi.
Sidiq al-Kibir, the rebel leadership council’s Tripoli representative, said: “Saif is being kept in a secure place under close guard until he is handed over to the judiciary.” Nato confirmed that the dictator’s presidential guard had surrendered. Last night Gaddafi urged people to “go out now to purge the capital” in a message broadcast on state television.
But later Moussa Ibrahim, a Gaddafi spokesman, said the regime was prepared to negotiate directly with the head of the rebel National Transitional Council. He had asked Nato to convince the rebel forces to halt the attack on Tripoli.
A Nato spokesman said they would protect citizens and that the transfer of power must be peaceful and immediate.
Unconfirmed reports from diplomatic sources suggested that Abdullah Senussi, Gaddafi’s brother-in-law, had been killed. The surge towards Tripoli began after rebels took the key oil town of Zawiyah. They fought their way through towns on the capital’s western fringes.
Last night, rebels said regime forces were negotiating the surrender of the country’s main military airbase, Mitiga, in eastern Tripoli. Local groups said they had been supported by a seaborne landing by rebel troops from Misurata to the east.
Nato jets bombed government positions in Tripoli, including ones around the Gaddafi leadership compound at Bab al-Aziziya.
Gaddafi officials said fighting in the capital on Saturday night and Sunday morning killed 376 people on both sides and injured about 1,000.
The Libyan leader gave two addresses by telephone to state television. In the first, he still assumed a customary tone of imminent victory. “The rats are escaping,” he jeered, referring to an initial success by his security forces in putting down overnight protests in the city.
Last night, this time sounding beleaguered, he insisted that he was still in Tripoli side by side with those still loyal to him, and demanded that citizens “go forth in strength” to defend it.
“We can’t go back,” he said. “Until the last drop of our blood, we will be here defending the city.
“We are not going to surrender to the traitors. I am here in this battle with you. As I promised you I’m here, I will never give up, and we will achieve victory.”
A regime spokesman, Mussa Ibrahim, in an angry and impassioned attack on Nato for helping “cowards” advance on Tripoli, also pledged to fight on, but, at the same time, called for a ceasefire and a peaceful solution.
Alistair Burt, the Foreign Office Minister, said that all recent efforts by the United Nations special envoy, Abdelilah al-Khatib, to contact the regime for talks had been rebuffed. Mr Fox said: “We believe the regime is behaving with excess at the moment against the civilian population. The time for Gadaffi to go has long since passed. In its final days the regime is carrying out vindictive attacks which we have information about and we have been carrying out surgical counter-attacks. The British military has providing magnificent leadership.”

The White House said it believed Col Gaddafi was in his last days in power.
In a written statement last night President Obama said Tripoli was "slipping from the grasp of a tyrant".
"The people of Libya are showing that the universal pursuit of dignity and freedom is far stronger than the iron fist of a dictator," he said.
The speed of the rebels’ advance on the capital has been faster than anyone, even they, expected. It took them just Saturday to clear the remaining Gaddafi forces out of the eastern side of Zawiyah.
They continued to push forward during the course of Sunday, taking villages between it and Tripoli.
Government forces put up resistance on the main coast road near the barracks of the feared Khamis Brigade, named after Col Gaddafi’s son, its commander.
It was once a byword for the ferocity of the regime, but, even here, government troops fled, leaving behind boxes of ammunition and rocket-propelled grenades.
Dancing rebels raised their tricolor flag over the gate. “This is the wealth of the Libyan people that he was using against us,” said Ahmed al-Ajdal, a fighter with the rebel’s Tripoli Brigade. “Now we will use it against him and any other dictator who goes against the Libyan people.”
The rebels mustered tanks and hundreds of reinforcements for their push from the west and last night were fighting in the suburb of Janzour.
A rebel spokesman has claimed that Col Gaddafi and some of his family is “near the Algerian border”.

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