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Thursday 18 August 2011

China Want to purchase iron from Australia


China is likely to buy vast quantities of iron ore and other natural resources as it invests in projects across Australia. Mining companies often work with China to meet the country’s demands. The Chinese usually produce the money up front to show that they are serious about investing in Australia’s resource rich states for the coming decades. The media suggests that China is always looking for more mines to invest in. This encourages the mining to explore the states for new mines.

Resource companies have negotiated an agreement which they consider will benefit them. Chinese companies are expected to continue to either merge with or acquire Australian ones to improve the efficiency of the industry. Business and political leaders in both countries claim that the deal will produce more and better quality resources in the near future. Experts predict that miners will likely find more iron than they thought existed. As more mines are discovered expectations increase that China’s interest will continue.

Studies suggest that strong growth in investment is due to China’s desire for a constant supply of raw materials. Business experts consider that China will determine the health of the global markets as it chooses what it needs. Australia’s largest mining companies all sell their raw materials to China as it is considered to be a great customer. The trend will continue as China gains economic and political power.
Article taken from :http://www.julia-gillard.org

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