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Madoona 53rd Birthday

Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday Dear Madonna,Happy Birthday To you

Fifty-three years ago today in Bay City, Michigan, one crazy little Ciccone roller was born. 
(and yes, it was—no joke!—a Saturday.)
Today we salute the woman she’s become: a superstar whose single name is so well known across the globe, it nearly subsumes, you know, that other one; a vanguard of pop and power and general cultural next-leveldom whose thighs still look like a 19-year-old Romanian gymnast’s, and whose boyfriend is, in fact, a 19-year-old Frenchman. (Just kidding, pervs; he’s a wise and seasoned 24.)
So let’s watch some classic pre-fame Madge to celebrate. Here she is, auditioning for Fame in 1982: